Saturday, June 05, 2010

On another Indian-American winning the Spelling Bee

So, Anamika Veeramani has bagged this year's honors.
Good for her, I say, and adds more data for this piece that gives an explanation for why Indian-Americans have pretty much owned this tournament in recent years.
The last name Veeramani is, ahem, Tamil, which was also the story with the guy, Balu Natarajan, who catalyzed this Indian-American interest a few years ago.  (I suppose my interest in this is like that of a grad schoolmate of mine, who was Jewish, who was always curious about baseball players with Jewish roots.)

It is too bad that the media did not pick up on the name "Anamika."  Because, the literal meaning of the name is "without a name", while the philosophical and profound meaning is that something is way too important, valuable, that it simply cannot be described in words.
And she plays with words and wins the Bee.  An interesting story, right?

The wonderful names ... well, her parents too:
Her father and mother, Alagaiya and Malar, were overwhelmed with emotion after watching their daughter win . . .
The mother's name "Malar" means "flower" in Tamil, and one meaning of the father's name "Alagaiya" is a beautiful person.
I can't believe the media missed out on such a wonderful story all by itself :)

Growing up, I was also familiar with this song from the Hindi movie, Anamika: (Lyrics translation here)

And for those of you wondering where the Tamil-speaking people are ... Concentrated in the southern part of India, in Tamil Nadu, which means the land of the Tamils, and in Sri Lanka.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great stuff, thank you