Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kashmir and the Indo-Pak situation

I received an interesting email in response to my earlier posts on Kashmir and the darkening clouds over India and Pakistan; excerpt:
I just saw your post on the Indian-Pakistan peace talk and its lack of any concrete compromises or solutions. Many are disappointed by the continued disagreements and tension between India and Pakistan. I think you will find the following video interesting and relevant to this discussion:
The video gives some background to this recent talk and also shows a number of different opinions on the talk's original purposes, the aims of both India and Pakistan during the talk, and whether or not it is likely that these two countries will find some sort of compromise in the future. I hope you will consider embedding this video to your site. videos analyze and synthesize news coverage from multiple sources. Its unique method of showing how different media cover the news helps viewers better understand complex stories.
Here is the video that the email refers to:

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by
BTW, here is more info about Newsy

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