Thursday, July 08, 2010

Quote of the day: on Obama

During the campaign days two years ago, I recall two colleagues/friends being shocked at my description of Obama as "Slick Willie without the sex" ... I thought Obama was very similar to Bill Clinton in terms of playing politics.  But, my colleagues thought otherwise--they really expected some kind of an overhaul of politics--as if the unsightly sausage-making will go away all of a sudden.
In fact, the following is what I blogged a year ago:
I have been cautiously optimistic about BHO ever since his campaign days. My first red flag was when I heard him being interviewed on NPR--I think it was with Michelle Norris. This was way back, even before he announced his candidacy. She asked Obama more than once whether he was planning on a presidential bid. And, every time Obama hedged his responses so well that I kept thinking he reminded me of somebody, but I could not place who it was.

Later as the campaign picked up momentum, I concluded (and shared with maybe two or three people) that it was Bill Clinton he reminded me of, and that Obama was Slick Willie without the sex :-) Of course, I will gladly take a Slick Willie without sex over the muddler from Midland, or the phoenix that is older than the pyramids. But, hey, Obama is slickness as we have never seen before.
Which is why there is nothing for me to disagree with in the quote here (ht):
Obama’s supporters were counting on him to bring to the White House an enlightened moral sensibility: He would govern differently not only because he was smarter than his predecessor but because he responded to a different—and truer—inner compass. Events have demolished such expectations. Today, when they look at Washington, Americans see a cool, dispassionate, calculating president whose administration lacks a moral core.

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