Monday, October 22, 2012

What? There was a "foreign policy" debate?

A few notes by others, as a follow-up to this post in which I complained that the debate agenda was only about the Middle East

From James Fallows:
As a matter of substance, it was depressing in principle that this was the level of presidential-campaign discussion on China, India (nothing, or close to it), climate change and the environment (nothing I heard), energy (next to nothing), Europe (ditto). 
BTW, was that really a debate when Obama is pretty much a Republican in a Democrat label?

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

But that's an accurate reflection of American public opinion Sriram. Other than a few like you, nobody cares about Europe. Or China. Or India. They have been scaremongered about Iran and all Muslims in general and Isarel is lobbied like crazy by thr Jewish lobby.

Both Romney and Obama , if they had not been looking for votes, would have had a great foreign policy debate. Both are very knowledgeable and if they could air personal views (like in a blog :)) they would have a fantastic real debate.

So the real culprit is the great unwashed voter :)