Thursday, October 25, 2012

Brownies, tea, pie, and smiles. A good formula, right?

"S" got Thursday mixed up with Tuesday, and left me idling away the time that I had set aside for the meeting.  To make up for that, S turned up with a plate full of home-made brownies.

Earlier that day, "Z" had given me a packet of peppermint tea from Egypt.  Well, the non-caffeine peppermint herbal drink variety.

So, when S gave me the brownies, I showed her the peppermint tea packet that was on the table.  And said it was from Z.

"Oh, probably something all organic, I am sure, because he is all about healthy eating" was the reply.

It was!

"I just put a whole lot of butter and sugar, so it should be ok" S added.

Meanwhile, I have an email from "J" about home-made pumpkin pie: "maybe I will bring you a slice from the next pie that's made!"

At this rate of goodies from students, I must begin to watch my waistline,which has already expanded by a belt-notch over the year.

Earlier today, "MK" swung by with her gorgeous smile and a very unique and pleasant way of communicating.  She wanted to say hi, while waiting for her meeting with another faculty.

Looks like it is time already for me to say thanks, I suppose, even though the formal event is a month away.

Speaking of which, another student asked me about my Thanksgiving plans.  I told "L" that I always have a groaner-routine for that.  "I tell students that I am the best person to invite over for Thanksgiving."

She played along. "Ok, why?"

"Because, at the table, I am both an Indian and an American."

As always, I was the first one to laugh at my own joke, even though I have heard myself proudly crack that same joke a gazillion times!

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

How do you manage to gather students who all bring you stuff to eat ???