Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Budget deficits in universities. But, pay raises? Screw the students, eh :(

On Monday, I blogged about the craziness of faculty in the public universities in Oregon crying for pay raises.  It seemed bizarre that such raises were being sought, and were being given, when everybody knows fully well that there is not going to be enough money, and that means we will end up jacking up tuition and fees even more.

So, that was on Monday.

As if I needed more fuel for my angst, earlier today the president emails the campus wherein he notes:

WOU will realize deficits this biennium in excess of $5 million. This is after removing $2 million of costs from the budget

He ends that missive with:

If we are not proactive then change will be forced upon us – we still have much to do and no good idea can be turned away – there are no sacred cows!

So, pay raises are sacred cows then?

It is a mad, mad, mad, and increasingly maddening world.

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