Saturday, October 22, 2011

So, "Gopal Krishna" is a Christian name, too? :)

So, there I was wondering if C-Span might have anything interesting (yes, "I heart C-Span"!!!) and two women were getting ready to sing the national anthem.  I lingered a little longer, at the live coverage of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition.

Good thing I stayed there because otherwise I would have never have been shocked as I was when I saw an Indian-looking and Indian-accented guy move to the mic and recognize the guests.  C-Span identified him as Gopal Krishna.

If it were a regular GOP meeting, I would not have been surprised at all; I have known quite a few people from India who are committed Republicans.

But, this was at the "Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition"--a religious right organization.

And an Indian-looking and Indian-accented guy at the mic, and his name is Gopal Krishna.

You see why I was so stunned at this spectacle?

It doesn't end there.

This Gopal Krishna lets out a crazy rhetoric that no local government, or state, or Congress, or court, or president has anything to say about life.  As the camera panned out, I saw quite a few standing and applauding that statement.

A google search tells me that this Gopal Krishna was with the Christian Alliance.  So, even more surreal that a "Gopal Krishna" is a Christian.  I mean, this is like a BJP member being named Mohammed :)

The google search also came up with the following that Gopal Krishna apparently said at an earlier event:

America is “doing a slow dance with socialism,” “abandoning friends and apologizing to enemies” abroad, and even becoming “a multicultural haven for every weird and kinky lifestyle.” The activists in attendance thrilled to each assertion.

Let me see ... an immigrant from India complaining about the US being a multicultural haven?  Can't get more bizarre, eh!  At least, the Dave Chapelle skit on the blind black guy being a white supremacist was fictional!

Only in America, eh!

Turns out that Jon Stewart had commented about it :)

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