Monday, May 09, 2011

Quote of the day: Krugman on the Ryan plan for Medicare

Here’s an analogy: think of Medicare as a footbridge that is deteriorating and will eventually become unsafe. You could propose structural repairs to fix its faults; Ryan doesn’t do that. Instead, he proposes knocking the bridge down and replacing it with trampolines, in the hope that pedestrians can bounce across the stream. And the Post declares that he deserves credit for pointing out that the bridge is falling down, and proposing a solution. Um, we knew that the bridge was in bad shape — and his solution is a fraud.
Ah, the imagery of 80-year olds jumping on trampolines is priceless; can I use Ryan coupons to pay for that imagery?

Krugman's bottom line?
Republicans are proposing to destroy Medicare; saying that clearly isn’t scare tactics, it’s simply pointing out the truth.


mithun said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

mithun said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again