Monday, March 14, 2011

Music video post-storm: Here comes the Sun

It was one heck of a windy and rainy yesterday.  It was pleasant and a tad sunny, and yet far into the horizon the dark clouds were obvious.  Soon the wind and the rain came and they seemed as if they were pissed off at everything.  Boy, the fury!  If thirty- to forty-mile per hour winds are like this, I cannot begin to imagine how a category-five hurricane will be like, and don't want to experience one either.

It is now the morning after the storm, and the Sun is struggling to peek through.  More rain has been forecast for the next couple of days.  But, for now, Here Comes the Sun.

I hope a pleasant Sun will appear soon over the Land of the Rising Sun too.  What a tragedy that one is!  Puts in perspective the literal and metaphorical storms that I have experienced here.

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