Monday, July 30, 2012

Virgin Mary, Put Putin Away

That is the "Punk Prayer" that Pussy Riot sang, which pissed off Vlad the Impaler Putin and the Orthodox establishment.

Blogging about this here will not make any difference to the women who are being tried as if they are al-Qaeda terrorists who killed a couple of thousand civilians.  And, yet, as much as none of my other posts have made no difference at all, here I am carrying on in a Quixotic tradition.

Here is to hoping that even Putin will find the entire trial to be a farce, and will come up with some kind of a face-saving deal for himself, at least in response to the growing worldwide support for the protesters:
Pussy Riot's supports include fellow-dissidents in Russia, as well as Amnesty International, and Western musicians including Sting and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Two of the women have young children.
In the meanwhile, protest along we shall.

The complete lyrics of the Punk Prayer:

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away

(end chorus) ...
Black robe, golden epaulettes
All parishioners crawl to bow
The phantom of liberty is in heaven
Gay-pride sent to Siberia in chains

The head of the KGB, their chief saint,
Leads protesters to prison under escort
In order not to offend His Holiness
Women must give birth and love

Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!
Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a feminist
Become a feminist, become a feminist

(end chorus)

The Church’s praise of rotten dictators
The cross-bearer procession of black limousines
A teacher-preacher will meet you at school
Go to class - bring him money!

Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin
Bitch, better believe in God instead
The belt of the Virgin can’t replace mass-meetings
Mary, Mother of God, is with us in protest!


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away

(end chorus)

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