Saturday, July 07, 2012

Speak. Don't hold your peace!

To add to the importance of speaking out:
“It is absurd to hold that a man ought to be ashamed of being unable to defend himself with his limbs but not of being unable to defend himself with speech and reason, when the use of reason is more distinctive of a human being than the use of his limbs,” - Aristotle.(ht)
It is a civic duty; wait, that is what I wrote about in the Statesman Journal, back in 2002 (?) aahh, the older we get, the repetitive we get ... aahh, the older we get, the repetitive we get ... :)

If only I can convince my faculty colleagues about this importance, eh!

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

Shhhhhh. I have every right to speak what I want and you have every right not to listen ......