Thursday, September 02, 2010

"Wives of billionaires": puzzle solved!

Every once in a while, when I take a look at the stats for my blog, I notice that one post always attracts considerable attention--the one about Tina (nee Munim) Ambani.  I have blogged before about this strange attraction.

So, today, with time on my hands, (editor: do you ever work at all?) I decided to follow up some more ... turns out that it could be because of one search phrase in Google.  A search for "wives of billionaires" brings up my blog post at the second in the listing of results!  How interesting ...

Not entirely satisfied, I decided to check with Bing, for the same same search phrase. My blog comes up in the first page of results, though only as #10.  But, hey, not bad!

It appears then that the interest may not be in Tina Munim as much as in the trophy wives of billionaires.

In any case, here is one more song/dance movie sequence featuring Tina Munim

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