Sunday, May 05, 2013

Halfway through the term, the verdict is in!

Yes, we have completed only five weeks of the ten-week quarter.  But, I am ready to call it a success.

I don't have to wait for any longer.

It is not that I don't have to classes anymore; I do.  I have tests to assign and papers to grade.  But, yes, the term is a success already.

Last week, I entered the hallway and proceeded towards my office when I saw "B," waiting outside my office door.  Notice that I didn't write "my student" and I merely mentioned "B."  My interactions with B are like some of those that we would not normally expect.

B has never been a student in any of my classes.  Her academic interests are way outside my interests.  As much as I can engage in conversations on many topics, well, not in what B is into.

So, how do I know B?  Initially it was because of her sister, "A."  And then, I suppose I became something like an academic godfather, an uncle, on campus.

Thus it was that B would swing by for a chat.  And, often, she brought with her cookies or bread.  Baking was her specialty.  Not baking with stuff from a box, but the original way.

Last summer, B got married.  I felt privileged when she invited me to that small gathering.  Weddings here in the US are so different that way from those that I had attended in India.  In the old country, a gazillion people  get invited to a wedding that, typically, the girl's parents pay for.  Almost always, the bride and the groom might not even know a third in attendance--the couple merely provide the reason for a whole bunch of people to gather.

In the US, because very few are invited to weddings, it says a lot when I am invited to one.  I feel awesome knowing that I mattered even that much in somebody's life for them to invite me mark such a special and important milestone in one's life.  It seems like except for the first three years in Oregon, I have been invited to a student's wedding every single year.  The best compensation for me!

As I neared my office, it was obvious that B was carrying a package--she looked pregnant.  "I wanted to show you this" she beamed in her face as she pointed to her tummy "and to also give you this."  B gave me a well-wrapped parcel, with ribbons.

Home-baked cookies.  Shortbread cookies, with jam in the middle.  Just the way I like them!

We chatted for just a bit before she rushed off.  I greedily ate a couple of cookies in my office, and then had the remainder at home.

Tomorrow, is another student's wedding.  "G" and his fiancĂ©e will be wed tomorrow at the courthouse.  That courthouse setting for a student's wedding will be the first for me.

Now, don't you also think that this term has been a success?

I wish B, G, and all the students a wonderful life ahead.

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