Friday, November 09, 2012

Elections over. Back to the fiscal cliff now!

You, the reader, have two choices:
A: This video from the Wall Street Journal
B: This Daily Show video from a year ago, which I had blogged about on November 17, 2011
With Option A, you can watch and cry.

With Option B, you can watch and laugh.  And then realize that the joke is on us, and cry.

Aren't we happy with the status quo!

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

The fiscal cliff is all high media exaggeration. There is no cliff. There is only the slippery slope that America went into a long time ago.On one hand the economists say something urgent should be done about the debt and on the same hand, when something is about to be done, they say fiscal cliff. Balderdash.

What is needed is a sustainable long term strategy to come to an acceptable level of debt. Long term are the key words, not some Jan 31st fix.