Saturday, November 10, 2012

When Harry Met Sally: men and women can't be friends

And that original?  The scene where Harry explains to Sally that men and women can never be just friends?

I am not sure how much of this chemistry is related to age; whether men and women can truly be friends as they reach a certain age, a certain phase in their lives.  My hypothesis, at least based on my own life, is that Harry's explanation is valid for most of us men only when we are young.  The interactions with females that I now I have are very, very different from those when I was in my teens, which was different from how I interacted with women when I was in my twenties ....

I would think there is a great deal of evolutionary reasons for the triggers when young, and from an evolutionary perspective, we are past those triggers by a certain age.

Of course, we are talking about averages here, and shouldn't look at old fogey outliers like a Hugh Hefner, or even the sixty-year old David Petraues' extramarital affair and conclude otherwise.

Now, that research, which looks at it by age, might provide us with some new and interesting insights.  Maybe?

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

Speak for yourself Khe - the bit about "when we are young" :):)