Monday, August 15, 2011

Humor in daily life ... another checkout beauty :)

One of the many favorites to read during my younger days was the "Humor in daily life" (I think that was the title) in the Readers Digest--funny and simple incidents from everyday living.  I used to wonder why nothing like that ever happened to me, without realizing I was merely a kid yet to crawl out of the sheltered nest.

Now that I am older, I find humor everyday in my own interactions.

Like, for instance, at the grocery store the other day.

It was a slow morning, I suppose, and there was hardly any customer.  When I reached the checkout, two clerks, female and about my age, were chatting.

As I started placing my groceries on the counter, one said "we are talking about makeup and mascara.  Feel free to join in."

"No thanks. I am happy if my beard is trimmed" I replied.

"Me too" jumped in the other woman without missing a beat and while stroking her chin for the added effect!

It was ha ha ha all around.

What a boring and painful life it would be without humor, and without a sense of wit in people, eh!

Prior checkout posts: here, here, and here

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