Friday, October 22, 2010

A season of China bashing for short-term wins!

So, China has become one heck of a bogeyman for political and electoral points.  There are plenty of valid reasons to beat up on China, but the way the candidates and parties are abusing the China dimension cannot possibly make us more endearing to the party bosses across the Pacific.

The following ad (via James Fallows) is almost creepy:

The Daily Beast notes:
No less than 30 candidates across the country are running ads that negatively tie their opponent to China. On a trip to Ohio this week, my television was flooded with campaign ads, including a telling salvo against incumbent Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy, featuring Chinese money, Mao, and the red communist flag. Anti-China themes are also evident in late-inning videos from California and Nevada to Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
And then there is all the punditry that beats up on China. Yes, including Paul Krugman.
It will be one hell of a G20 meeting, I imagine.

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