Monday, August 02, 2010

The chicanery of Deepak Chopra

Let us face it; Peter Sellers as the Indian, Hrundi V. Bakshi, in The Party, offers a lot more wisdom than does Deepak Chopra through his highfalutin new age spiritual advice, where he seemingly blends modern science and reason with age old lore.

And the guy, Chopra that is, has an inflated opinion of himself enough to tweet a horribly failed joke that an earthquake in Southern California was a result of his meditation; he tweeted:
"Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern California" ... "Was meditating on Shiva mantra & earth began to shake. Sorry about that."

Perhaps all Chopra does is to test and confirm on a daily basis P.T. Barnum's line about suckers being born everyday.

Chopra's convenient mixing of scientific language and spiritual crap gets Michael Shermer's attention (ht).  The following line in his commentary about Chopra's version of "Theology 2.0," as Shermer describes it, is a beauty:
Chopra’s use and abuse of quantum physics is what the Caltech quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann calls “quantum flapdoodle,” which consists of stringing together a series of terms and phrases from quantum physics and asserting that they explain something in our daily experience.
Awesome, dude!
Take it away, Claudine Longet :)

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