Monday, May 06, 2019

Sunrise ... (to) ... Sunset

Ramadan began Sunday evening here in the US.

Chances are that tRump has not tweeted--presidentially--about Ramadan.  After all, he is no Justin Trudeau, who said that in English and in French too!

But, the great dictator's office did put out a formal release:

I wonder if his white-supremacist, Islamophobic supporters will approve of their Dear Leader's office issuing such statements!

Muslims are required to from abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations from dawn to sunset.  Though, Neil deGrasse Tyson adds more to the timing of it all:
I, of course, do not observe this or any religion's practices.  I don't fast either.  When "in moderation" is my mantra, when there is no binge involved--not even in reading or watching videos--to deny myself anything does not appeal to me.  Especially when it comes to food.

However, oddly enough, I seem to mark the passage of time by even noting the major religious observances.  It is almost as if I am an atheist without a cause ;)

Ramadan Mubarak!

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