Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nowhere to hide :(

I try my best to avoid all things tRump.  But, it is impossible.  He and his actions stick around like how the toilet paper strip clung on to Dear Leader's shoes!

Like this headline: "Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science."  How can one avoid such news reports?  Every single day is another bucket-load of bad news!

What's he now up to with climate science? Haven't tRump and his toadies done enough damage already?

But then I forget that enough is never enough for these sociopaths for whom cruelty is the point!
In the next few months, the White House will complete the rollback of the most significant federal effort to curb greenhouse-gas emissions, initiated during the Obama administration. It will expand its efforts to impose Mr. Trump’s hard-line views on other nations, building on his retreat from the Paris accord and his recent refusal to sign a communiqué to protect the rapidly melting Arctic region unless it was stripped of any references to climate change.
And, in what could be Mr. Trump’s most consequential action yet, his administration will seek to undermine the very science on which climate change policy rests.
How so?

Like so:
The administration’s prime target has been the National Climate Assessment, produced by an interagency task force roughly every four years since 2000. Government scientists used computer-generated models in their most recent report to project that if fossil fuel emissions continue unchecked, the earth’s atmosphere could warm by as much as eight degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. That would lead to drastically higher sea levels, more devastating storms and droughts, crop failures, food losses and severe health consequences.
Work on the next report, which is expected to be released in 2021 or 2022, has already begun. But from now on, officials said, such worst-case scenario projections will not automatically be included in the National Climate Assessment or in some other scientific reports produced by the government.
And, of course, there will be a new climate review panel:
That effort is led by a 79-year-old physicist who had a respected career at Princeton but has become better known in recent years for attacking the science of man-made climate change and for defending the virtues of carbon dioxide — sometimes to an awkward degree.
You want to know what a comparable stable genius this tRump appointee is?
“The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler,” said the physicist, William Happer, who serves on the National Security Council as the president’s deputy assistant for emerging technologies.
Yep, demonizing CO2 makes you, dear reader, a Nazi!  Poor little defenseless CO2!

Meanwhile, a response from a scientist in the country that continues to apologize for Hitler and the crimes that were committed:
“It is very unfortunate and potentially even quite damaging that the Trump administration behaves this way,” said Johan Rockström, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. “There is this arrogance and disrespect for scientific advancement — this very demoralizing lack of respect for your own experts and agencies.”
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote to my department colleagues:
Back--way back--President Carter and California's Gov. Brown tried to rally the people. Brown was ridiculed as Gov. Moonbeam. Carter's solar panels were taken down by the Republican who succeeded him.
In dedicating those solar panels, Carter noted that it was the beginning of a moment, a road not taken kind of moment. He looked at a goal of 20% renewables by the year 2000! Who knows if ever the GOP will abandon its carbon in its various forms as a vote-winning strategy. I am not counting on it.
Meanwhile, the market--which the current GOP has abandoned in favor of protectionism--is betting on anything but carbon as an energy source in the future. At some point, the GOP base will find out the truth. But we will be all be burnt toast by then ;)
Doesn't tRump care about leaving the world a better place for his own grandkids, or is he so much a narcissist that he simply couldn't care?

I suppose those 63 million voters don't care because they are ecstatic that they are merely accelerating their travel to meet with their creator!

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