Friday, May 24, 2019

Let it go ... NOT!

“Holding onto a grudge really is an ineffective strategy for dealing with a life situation that you haven’t been able to master. That’s the reality of it,” said Dr. Frederic Luskin, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project.
“Whenever you can’t grieve and assimilate what has happened, you hold it in a certain way,” he said. “If it’s bitterness, you hold it with anger. If it’s hopeless, you hold it with despair. But both of those are psycho-physiological responses to an inability to cope, and they both do mental and physical damage.”
Ah, well ... hold that thought ... not so fast.

I practice a no-forget-no-forgive approach to life.  Like in many other posts, I explained here, about my take on assholes who create the grudge in the first place:
There is a huge difference, however, between wallowing and viewing the world as a worthless place, versus wallowing while enjoying the world and the vastness of this universe. 
I enjoy the world.  The river. The goslings. The green. The warmth. A few people ;)

I smile--though people cannot ever seem to sense that I am smiling!  I joke. I enjoy jokes. The sillier, the better.  Like, have you heard this one before?
Q: What do you call a cow that is lying on the grass?
A: Ground beef!
Or, how about this:
Why do you have to "put your two cents in"... but it’s only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going?
Have you heard me laugh aloud?

I do not give a shit about those who did me wrong.  Once when a colleague offered an apology at a meeting, and the chair turned to me, I merely said "can we move on to the next item in the agenda?"  Burn!

The key here is to enjoy life.  When assholes reveal their assholeness, it means that they are not going to help me enjoy life, but it is their nature to suck my life away.  I then take a detour around them, and continue to enjoy the vastness in the universe that is for me to marvel and enjoy.

Which is exactly what we have planned for this long weekend.

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