Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sudan election in a cartoon :(

I am hoping that at least a few students from a class last term are following the news about Sudan.  I had briefly talked with them about Sudan's long civil war, which had caused extensive destruction of life and property.

It seems to be a foregone conclusion that the South will secede, which by itself will be a good step--to get away from the repressive Khartoum regime.

But, what will happen the day after?

And what about the oil-rich Abyei region?

I often kid with students that most of the world's problems can be placed at the feet of Great Britain.  In the case of Sudan, too, Britain was a major player.  Oh well, old stories that will get us nowhere.  The challenges for now, as the NY Times has wonderfully described it with terrific maps, of which the following is one:

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