Friday, July 31, 2009

It’s Time for the US to Declare Victory and Go Home

That is the bottom line from Col. Timothy Reese:

The general lack of progress in essential services and good governance is now so broad that it ought to be clear that we no longer are moving the Iraqis “forward.” Below is an outline of the information on which I base this assessment:

  1. The ineffectiveness and corruption of GOI Ministries is the stuff of legend.
  2. The anti-corruption drive is little more than a campaign tool for Maliki
  3. The GOI is failing to take rational steps to improve its electrical infrastructure and to improve their oil exploration, production and exports.
  4. There is no progress towards resolving the Kirkuk situation.
  5. Sunni Reconciliation is at best at a standstill and probably going backwards.
  6. Sons of Iraq (SOI) or Sahwa transition to ISF and GOI civil service is not happening, and SOI monthly paydays continue to fall further behind.
  7. The Kurdish situation continues to fester.
  8. Political violence and intimidation is rampant in the civilian community as well as military and legal institutions.
  9. The Vice President received a rather cool reception this past weekend and was publicly told that the internal affairs of Iraq are none of the US’s business.
Yes, please bring them home.
And, more importantly, please do not keep sending more to Afghanistan.

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