Monday, August 04, 2008

Libertarianism gone wild

Every once in a while I check with the latest analysis/reports at the Manhattan Institute, and its publication--the City Journal. I am far from the rightwingers they are. But, hey, I need to know what they are thinking about and writing about.

While I am all in favor of transparency in government, I am not at all happy that they have listed the payroll information on every individual NY state employee. There is something creepy about listing individual employees and their earnings. No, I don't feel this way just because I too am a public employee. I don't want to see the earnings of every publicly-held company's employees either. I can see the need to understand patterns and averages. I can also see the need to understand how much the highest paid officers--public and private--earn, and a comparison of that with the average earnings in that organization. But, the listing every single employee? What next? A direct link to every individual's tax returns?

The libertarians have crossed the line here.

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