Thursday, June 14, 2018

It is the pussy-grabber's birthday!

In this post, two years ago as the presidential campaigns were heating up, I blogged about what it means to be a man in the twenty-first century.
Pandering political rhetoric aside, there is a genuine question here: What is masculinity today? Is it flexing steel pecs and biceps? Is it bringing home the bacon? Is it possessing testicles and a functional urinary tube? Or is it merely the possession of a Y-chromosome in an era when the value of muscles plummets before a digital economy?
And then, for a good measure, added more about the two  angry old white men in the race who were muddying up the waters, by quoting from here:
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are tapping into what I’m calling a “Lean Out” generation of young, discouraged and angry men—men who are feeling abandoned by the thousands of years of history that defined what it meant to be a real man: to be strong; to be a provider; to be in authority; to be the ultimate decision maker; and to be economically, educationally, physically and politically dominant. 
The comments were flippant, which perhaps were indicative of how much trump's pussy-grabbing masculinity would end up as the winner!  Lock her up, indeed!

Of course, the pussy-grabber's blackmailer has been strutting around for a long time with his version of masculinity. All you need to do is a Google search (why you would want to do that, eh!)

I suppose we should be thankful that Dear Leader has not appeared in his speedo, given his looks ;)


What's the point of this post, you ask?  My way of wishing the President a happy birthday, and thanking his 63 million racists misogynists xenophobes voters ;)

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