Thursday, December 08, 2011

No cookies nor cards. But, compliments, yes :)

It is not my fault, but is that of a few students who have trained me to expect them!  I am being Pavlovian here :)

Anyway, a follow-up to my note from yesterday; At the end of the ten-pager paper, was the following:
It has been a pleasure taking your class and I have truly learned the most out of this class than probably any other college course that I have taken.  So thank you for everything that you have opened my mind up to. Have a good winter break.

In my classes, I am one of those highly interactive guys who gets to know students really well.  Which is why I know that the note is sincere.

So, yes, my tongue-in-cheek comments about cookies and cards aside, I value such feedback a lot.

Again, my expectations go up: after all, I am merely halfway through the papers that I have to read and grade.  I wonder if there might be more such comments in the rest of the papers?  :)

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