Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quote of the day, on government providing hammocks for millionaires

The government’s social safety net, which has long existed to catch those who are down and help them get back up, is now being used as a hammock by some millionaires, some who are paying less taxes than average middle class families.
After reading that, one might be tempted to think it came from one of the Occupy Wall Street people, or The Nation magazine, or any one of the left-leaning faculty.

Guess again.

It is from a report titled The Subsidies of the Rich and Famous from, get this, Senator Coburn, who has solid conservative credentials and a strong conservative voting record.  On this issue, I suppose he will be in good company with Ralph Nader, which, I would have assumed, will never ever happen :)
Americans are generous and do not want to see their fellow citizens go without basic necessities. Likewise, we expect everyone to contribute and to demonstrate personal responsibility. Government policies intended to mainstream wealth redistribution are undermining these principles. The tragic irony is the wealth in these cases is trickling up rather than down the economic ladder. The cost of this largess will thus be shared by those struggling today and the next generation who will inherit $15 trillion of debt that threatens the future of the American Dream. These consequences are the results of shortsighted spending and tax policies like those outlined in this report that should be eliminated.

When even Coburn worries that wealth is trickling up, hey, there ought to be something seriously wrong here.

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