Wednesday, November 02, 2011

If everyone does what they love ...

... the economy will collapse tomorrow morning

That is pretty funny, and profound, especially given the source: Samantha Who?
Yes, that Christina Applegate sitcom, which is now in the rerun world :)

Sometimes I tell my students that I will do what I do even if I don't get paid, and that I am glad I get paid!  It is not often in life we are in situations when work is hobby and hobby is work.

More often than not, people end up doing whatever they can in order to earn their paychecks, and then drive around with "I would rather be fishing" bumper stickers.  As an old Sanskrit saying goes "उढर निमिथे बहु कृत वेशः" (I hope I got the Sanskrit spelling correctly!) which roughly translates to "for the sake of the stomach, many acts do we put on"

I suppose there is then this one thing I can always be thankful for every Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, why do I by myself complete an ideal Thanksgiving party?
Because ...  I am both an Indian and an American :)

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