Friday, April 02, 2010

I suppose this is why I quit engineering!

I don't think of my job as a "job" at all (ed: maybe that is a problem?) It is almost like something I do for fun.

Suppose I were in some other "job".  What would I want to do in my spare time then? Precisely what I do now as my "job" ... Of course, I lucked out; if not, I would have been .... oh well!!!

And, therefore, I can absolutely relate to this post that I landed at after clicking on a few links.  And, here is the excerpt that I like:

A job will never satisfy you all by itself, but it will afford you security and the chance to pursue an exciting and fulfilling life outside of your work. A calling is an activity you find so compelling that you wind up organizing your entire self around it -- often to the detriment of your life outside of it.     There’s no shame in either. Each has costs and benefits. There is no reason to make a fetish of your career. There are activities other than work in which to find meaning and pleasure and even a sense of self-importance -- you just need to learn how to look.     ...
So which is it: job or calling? You can answer the question directly, or allow time to answer it for you. Either way, I think you’d be happier if you stopped thinking of what the world had to offer you, and started thinking a bit more about what you had to offer the world. Real excitement isn’t just in whatever you happen to be doing, but in what you bring to it.

Hmmm .... today's excitement? I cooked Cheppankizhangu :)

I started with this, ...

and ended with this

Not anywhere near the fantastic taste I had/have in my memory, but good enough to satisfy the urge.
Perhaps I need to check with mom on how she makes it tasty .... Maybe better luck next time, eh!

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