Saturday, February 08, 2020

Emerging domestic terrorism


A topic that I have blogged about a lot, because I have been concerned for years that we are not talking about it as a serious issue.  I will continue to rant, even if nobody listens!

There is a particular kid of masculinity that I am increasingly worried about--misogyny.  Not the kind of pussy-grabbing misogyny that Dear Leader epitomizes.  But, a misogyny from the incels.  (Keep in mind that the screwer-in-chief is not an incel by any means.)

Incels are "involuntary celibates"--they don't want to be celibate, and desperately try their best, but they feel rejected by women and, therefore, they are celibate.   These guys are creating real worries among the law and order community:
Last month, the Texas Department of Public Safety released a report finding that incels “are an emerging domestic terrorism threat as current adherents demonstrate marked acts or threats of violence in furtherance of their social grievance.”
An emerging domestic terrorism threat?  Oh my!
a group of computer scientists have painted the most complete picture yet of the misogynistic groups that fuel the incel movement online. The “manosphere,” as it is known, is divided into four broad groups. “Men’s right’s activists” (MRAs) claim that family law and social institutions discriminate against men. “Men going their own way” (MGTOW) take this feeling of grievance further, arguing that society can’t be “amended”; they often avoid women, blaming them for their problems. “Pick-up artists” (PUAs), meanwhile, date and harass women; they believe society is “feminizing” men.And then there are the incels, the most potentially violent of the group.
Why are the incels most potentially violent?
Incels abide by the “black pill,” a belief that women use their sexual power to dominate men socially. For that, incels want revenge.
This is insane!
Worryingly, it seems that there has been a significant migration from men’s rights groups to incel groups. Every year since 2015, around 8% of MRA or MGTOW members appear to have become more radicalized and joined incel groups online. 
Sex is so primal and yet we choose not to openly and constructively talk about it.  Many a lives have been ended because of this three letter word.  Add incels to that, and I can easily see how explosive it can get.  It does not have to be this way.
So what can be done? One step might be to create tools to help spot and protect potential victims, along with an earlier analysis of when and how men’s rights and MGTOW groups get radicalized
These people are serious about incels as potential terrorists.  OMG!  Masculinity can easily become toxic in many ways.

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