Of course, I was not selected to be on that committee. What do I know about higher education, right?
In a brief thank-you email after receiving the notification that also included the list of faculty named to serve on the committee, I added a sentence that I hoped would make them all think about the committee's composition:
BTW, it seems kind of odd that faculty membership does not include any "people of color" as they say ;)It was not diversity for the sake of diversity that I pointing out, but was instead about the need to think of the demographic reality. Strategic Planning is about consciously developing specific action items for the future. The demographic future of the country is in beige, the 2042 that even comedians joke about. Oregon is notorious for not knowing how to deal with diversity, whether based on the superficial skin or on religion. Especially Islam.
Everybody is talking and writing about Islam and the Arab world and Muslims. The more one delves into the news, the more we realize we don't know anything about Islam, the Arab world, and Muslims. It is bizarre that we are madly against something about which we know nothing!
Edward Said covered all these and more in his Orientalism. Naturally. Said had plenty of profound observations on the distorted--and intentional at that--understanding that the "West" has about Islam and the Arabs.
The scholar Edward Said took this point further, writing in his book Orientalism in 1978 that Islam had defined Europe culturally, by showing Europe what it was against. Europe’s very identity, in other words, was built in significant measure on a sense of superiority to the Muslim Arab world on its periphery. Imperialism proved the ultimate expression of this evolutionIn a lengthy essay after his book was published, Said wrote--keep in mind that this was in 1980:
If you were to ask an average literate Westerner to name an Arab or Islamic writer, or a musician, or an intellectual, you might get a name like Kahlil Gibran in response, but nothing else. In other words, whole swatches of Islamic history, culture and society simply do not exist except in the truncated, tightly packaged forms made current by the media. As Herbert Schiller has said, TV’s images tend to present reality in too immediate and fragmentary a form for either historical or human continuity to appear. Islam therefore is equivalent to an undifferentiated mob of scimitar-waving oil suppliers, or it is reduced to the utterances of one or another Islamic leader who at the moment happens to be a convenient foreign scapegoat. If that is the case with the average literate Westerner then do we need to even wonder why there are plenty of Americans today who eagerly embrace the anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric from the likes of trump!
Even at the university, the numbers of students from Saudi Arabia and their families have not been strategically used as opportunities to truly understand "them." Instead, it seems that my university, like many others, merely continues to treat the foreigners as revenue sources, which is not that different from the "scimitar-waving oil suppliers" caricature that Said was upset about.