Saturday, March 28, 2009

Indian students shunning America? :-(

Some time ago, I wrote in an opinion piece that America does not seem to have the shine that once attracted thousands of Indian students. I was, and am concerned about it, because more than anything these students going to other countries is our loss.

Guess what the latest report is? Yes, I have more to worry about! Here is an excerpt from the Chronicle:
The economic crisis in the United States has tarnished the American dream for many Indians, who are opting for university studies and career opportunities at home, the Reuters news agency reported. ....

The Educational Testing Service has reported that the number of Indian students taking the Graduate Record Examinations fell from 74,000 in 2007 to 55,000 in 2008. ....

Even students who have passed the examination are abandoning plans to study abroad due to lack of funds, said Rajiv Ganjoo, head of international education at Career Launcher, a test-preparation company in India. “It is a waiting game now,” Mr. Ganjoo said. “Students are looking at the recession, at how the colleges react to it and how the government reacts to it, before taking any steps,” he added.

“The brain drain has already begun to reverse,” said Mr. Wadhwa. “Now there are many magnets pulling the best talent. Before, the U.S. was where everyone wanted to go.”

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