Monday, July 13, 2020

A wall has been built

He promised the adoring crowds, which apparently included former readers of this blog and quite a few of my neighbors too, that Mexico will pay for a beautiful wall at the border.

We needed the wall, he said, because rapists, serial killers, and drugs and diseases were otherwise pouring into the country.

His base applauded.

A huge wall now surrounds the US.  We are all trapped within.

Yes, Cambodia!

Ishaan Tharoor (yes, a son of that Tharoor) recently tweeted:
The US passport is worthless, for the time being:
While coronavirus travel restrictions may vary from country to country, much of the world is united in one aspect of their current response: Travelers from the United States are not welcome.
A U.S. passport, long seen as a golden ticket to visa-free travel in much of the world, has long provided its holders with the ability to trot around the globe with ease. Now, that sense of passport privilege Americans are used to is fading.
The wall has been built by the rest of the world to keep Americans and our diseases out of their countries!

All thanks to 63 million voters!

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