Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Democratic Supermajority

With Arlen Specter switching sides from the GOP to the Dems, and with Al Franken sure to be seated as Minnesota's junior senator, the Dems will have that magical 60.
One hell of a majority in the Congress, and with the President's approval rating at 68 percent, we have a possibility for real reform in the balance between market and state. Let us see how Obama, Reid, and Pelosi play the game. How the GOP plays is quite irrelevant--it is the Dems' game to lose.

It is interesting that even in this country politicians switch parties when it is convenient for their political future. In India, of course, it is quite common. These are referred to as "aya ram, gaya ram"
The Senate has a listing, and lots of details, of senators who switched parties while holding the elected position.

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