Sunday, January 02, 2011

2010: the year of the unemployed :(

I have blogged enough about unemployment and the jobless recovery.  I wish this topic would go away, as much as the two wars would end.  Nothing seems to change :(  As Slate notes:
by most yardsticks, 2010 was the worst year for jobs since the Great Depression. The year's average unemployment rate will clock in at about 9.7 percent—higher than last year's 9.3 percent and tied for the highest annual rate since the government started keeping official counts in 1948. For all of 2010, in any given month, about 15 million Americans—the population of New England—were looking for work. 
 Of course, there is more than those counted under the unemployment rate:
Underemployment—that's the "official unemployed," plus people in part-time or temporary positions looking for full-time work, plus people discouraged from the labor market and no longer looking—totaled as many as 25 million.
I wish them all a better year.

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